WordPress Admin Dashboard

by Mar 31, 2022Services0 comments

When you log into the administration area of your blog, the first screen you will see is the WordPress Admin Dashboard, which displays an overview of the website.


    • Dashboard Menu is a navigation bar that includes menu items such as posts, the media library, pages, and comments.
    • Screen Options includes checkboxes for displaying and hiding screen options, as well as the ability to customize sections on the admin screen.
    • Welcome section includes “add a new page”, “customizer”, and “block theme”.james2
    • Quick draft is a small post editor that enables you to write, save, and publish a post directly from the admin dashboard.
    • WordPress news presents the most recent information from the official WordPress blog, including the latest software version, updates, alerts, and news about the software.james3
  • at a glance provides an outline of the posts on your blog, the total number of published posts and pages, and the total number of comments.
  • Activity pertains to the most recent comments on your blog, as well as recent posts and newly published posts. It enables you to approve or disapprove of a comment, as well as reply, edit, or delete it. Additionally, it enables you to flag a comment as spam.

WordPress Admin Dashboard Settings

  1. General Settings is used to configure the site’s fundamental settings. It is a default settings screen in the setting administration screen.
  2. Writing Settings manage the writing experience and provide customization options for WordPress websites.
  3. Reading Settings is used to configure the front page’s content. You can customize the number of posts that appear on the home page.
  4. Discussion Settings is the area where the blogger and the visitors interact. These settings are made by the administrator in order to maintain control over posts/pages submitted by users.
  5. Permalink Settings. Permalink is a hyperlink that points to a specific blog post or category. It enables the user to configure the default permalink structure. These settings are used to create permalinks for your WordPress posts.


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Plugins for WordPress

Users can easily modify, customize, and enhance WordPress blogs or posts using the plugin.

A WordPress Plugin is a piece of software that can be added to the site to enhance its functionality. They enhance WordPress blogs with additional services or features.

Plugins are used to simplify your work.


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